Supporting osteopathic research – ‘CUTIES’

Supporting osteopathic research – ‘CUTIES’


An ESO based training event was held on 25th September 2019 – further dates will be scheduled should there be sufficient interest. If you would be amenable to attending a training session at the ESO please contact Dawn Carnes directly (

The ESO’s Research & Professional Development team is pleased to be collaborating with the National Council for Osteopathic Research (NCOR) and the University College of Osteopathy (UCO) on new research: ‘Crying, Unsettled and Distressed Infants: Effectiveness Study’ – otherwise known as CUTIES. With established links with universities in Australia and Switzerland, this is a truly international study and the ESO, alongside local private practitioners, will be forming part of the treatment centre provision.

NCOR is looking for osteopaths who may be interested in recruiting infants into the trial and delivering the interventions. To qualify, you must have 12 months post-graduate clinical experience and the equivalent of 1 infant seen per week.

To give a more detailed overview of the study design and to ensure standard delivery, the primary investigator, Professor Dawn Carnes, is arranging training days for those interested in taking part. Training days have already been held at the UCO, London and the ESO, Maidstone.  A further training event may be arranged at the ESO if there is sufficient interest (six or more practitioners). Training is open to all practitioners that meet the treatment profile.

CUTIES – Information sheet

CUTIES – Training day schedule