Cranial osteopathy – ESO programme recognised by SCCO

Cranial osteopathy – ESO programme recognised by SCCO

We are delighted to share an announcement from the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy, which outlines a shorter version of their Module 2 Osteopathy in the Cranial Field Course, open to graduates of the ESO:
“The SCCO is delighted to partner with the ESO, recognising the advanced level of cranial teaching offered by the ESO at undergraduate level. ESO graduates leave with the most thorough training in cranial osteopathy of all the UK undergraduate institutions. In recognition of this, we have decided to offer a shorter version of our Module 2 Osteopathy in the Cranial Field Course to graduates of the ESO as entry onto our Fellowship programme. This 20 hour course, has been organised by the SCCO, will be directed by Sue Turner FSCCO supported by leading SCCO Faculty including Dianna Harvey FSCCO, and will take place at the ESO Campus in Maidstone.”
Further information can be found on the SCCO’s website at